How did you do in school?

Just curious about people who slipped through the net, so to speak.  How did you cope with school?  I developed quite good ways of hiding how much i struggled.  It helped that i was in most of the bottom sets, as no one really cared back then.  I was in the top set for biology, i excelled in that area.  Nothing else part from sport.  I hated going in every day,  i was like a zombie....i literally cant remember my last year in school.  Ive blanked it out completely. 

  • You could spell out fudge with my GCSE'S. But i did get all three C's in Science. I also got a C in maths at college after but genuinely couldn't care less about school as I never wanted to go to uni anyway. Spent most of my time drawing in my books or facing the wall out in the hall way in isolation or dention. Nothing I learnt at school has proven useful to me as an adult. If I want to learn something now I'll just use YouTube. I did a mixture though of agriculture college and catering and hospitality cause I couldn't make my mind up but I did good in catering hospitality came out with a couple C's and a B in the end B on the practical C on theory

  • I learnt nothing in school either.  Waste of time

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