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Just need an understanding ear

I'm 23 and I've been getting DLA since I was little. At the beginning of the year they sent me a letter saying I needed to reapply so I went round to a friends house and we spent the night completing the forms. Her son (My mate) also has AS and ADD so she showed me his form that he completed when he reapplied so I had an example of what to put.We filled out the form and sent it off and when they finally got back to me they practically took everything away and essentially said that I was ok and didn't need much support. If only they knew....

Ever since I got the reply it's been on my mind but it's really hit me today, the words keep going on and on around my head and I'm struggling to cope. When I last got like this I went to my doctor and told him how I was feeling and he just suggested anti deppressants. I just need someone who understands, who's been through it so I can turn to and say "Oh today this happened etc." and they know exactly what I'm on about, the thing people overlook with Aspergers is there's nothing wrong with us in the sense we need a dog or something it's all the little things that wouldn't bother anyone but to someone like us it's like the end of the world 


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