How and where did you meet your partner?

Hi all,

I'd like to hear the stories of how people met:

  1. What do you love and admire about your partner?
  2. Where did you meet?
  3. What attracted you to them?
  4. Did they become your special interest?
  5. How long have you been together?
  6. How is the communication between you?

Thanks in advance.


  • I loved her from a first meeting in a local pub. She has been my best friend, lover and confidant. I had never had a girlfriend before and still don’t know why she loves me. I was about 20 and she was this leggy 17 year old blonde, I thought all my birthdays had come at once.

    we have been together now for 35 years, I have put her and our sons through hell in that time, since realising I’m autistic our relationship has never been stronger, instead of masking, blowing up or just being confusing, I now tell her about everything that affects me. We just make adjustments sometimes.

    last night we went to the village pub, we always go early so there aren’t many people. There were scented candles on the bar, I lasted about 5 minutes, she could see I was struggling so she suggested we went to another room in the pub. I could still smell them, but just bearable. I  just made a bit more effort so the evening wasn’t spoilt.

  • I loved her from a first meeting in a local pub. She has been my best friend, lover and confidant. I had never had a girlfriend before and still don’t know why she loves me. I was about 20 and she was this leggy 17 year old blonde, I thought all my birthdays had come at once.

    we have been together now for 35 years, I have put her and our sons through hell in that time, since realising I’m autistic our relationship has never been stronger, instead of masking, blowing up or just being confusing, I now tell her about everything that affects me. We just make adjustments sometimes.

    last night we went to the village pub, we always go early so there aren’t many people. There were scented candles on the bar, I lasted about 5 minutes, she could see I was struggling so she suggested we went to another room in the pub. I could still smell them, but just bearable. I  just made a bit more effort so the evening wasn’t spoilt.

  • Ohhh She sounds lovely

  • loved her from a first meeting in a local pub.

    Awwwww! Thanks for sharing!!! That really gives me hope.  Thank you so much everyone for posting on this particular topic as I feel happy hearing and knowing about love.  Love lost and love found. It helps me realise that it is a reality within the context of compromise and that sheer, intense admiration for another that I get does exist in others hearts.  

    I am also relieved to hear that you were brave enough to let her into your inside world in order that you can work through challenges together.  This is what breaks me up about my ex husband.  He shut me out and no matter how many attempts on my behalf to be there for and understand him simply didn't work.  I've come to the conclusion that it was neither his fault nor mine.  We were never going to work because we have completely different concepts of what life should be.  I will always love that we made our daughter but I will never understand why he was unable to work on us.  He is now married with one child and another baby due soon.  I feel hurt that he could move on and build a family with someone else but not with the one we had.  I was the one that left.  I suspect that my inability to work and my emotional challenges were what he was unable to deal with.  We would still be in an unhappy marriage if I hadn't left so at least one of us has found happiness.  I obviously don't know this as I don't know his partner or their relationship but I figure if they're building a family then they must be happy????  I chose to give up my need for more children because I knew he wouldn't be able to support me in the way that I needed within a family and I couldn't bring another child into that dynamic.  I am blessed with my wee peach but being a single parent who cannot work is never the vision that I had for myself.  This is hard to come to terms with.....