Sensory issues with sleep

Does anyone ellse tend to have an overactive brain before they go to bed? Like if your staying some where different like at a relative's house you can't sleep well unless it's your own bed. Other people's houses freak me out at night time. I can literally here everything from pipes creeking to floor boards to the wind outside. Then my over imagination kikcs in and thinks there must be somone there when reality I do t beleive in ghosts but old Victorian propperties really creep me out. I sleep fine in my house but when we stay at families houses not so much. 

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  • Caffeine effects peak an hour after drinking and take around 10 hours to leave the system.  That's a single cup.  We don't drink instant, but we have three large cups of freshly ground coffee every morning, then don't drink it again for 24 hours.  Seems to work for us.