Mental health....not what I expected

So, had a long history of anxiety and depression.  Lately become very exhausted....I'm prone to "walking" when I can't handle things.

Thought I'd had a breakdown and finally asked for help from my doctor.  I was referred to the mental health crisis team.  I was assessed on the phone and asked to come in for a face to face.....

I was just expecting to be offered  more tablets (never worked) and diagnosed with a personality disorder or schizophrenia....

Halway through, I was asked if it was OK to do a ASD questionnaire.....never heard of it and when asked what it was.....I was abit taken back.  Sure, anyway...I scored a high level and will be referred for I don't know what next or how long that takes.  I was assured I wasn't mental at the end anyway but now feel in limbo abit.

I'm 41.....I've gone through life trying to convince myself I was normal, and since they've mentioned asd.....I've realised I'm really not.....but that's OK.  It kind of makes sense, my life and how I think.  

Anyone else in the same boat? 

  • Hi, I'm currently waiting for a formal diagnosis too (I'm 45) but I'm fairly sure I'm autistic - I've been through the initial access assessment and the lady agreed with me and although I'm relieved to finally have an understanding of why I have always felt like an 'outsider' or 'weird person' I am still suffering from dreadful anxiety. 

    I can't leave the house alone - I need either my husband or one of my sons with me at all times.  I'm also currently off work as I can't control the anxiety. 

    I'm hoping that the anxiety will improve enough for me to return to work, at least part time, but I honestly don't know how that's going to happen because I think I've told myself so many times, over so many years that I'm useless that I just can't get over this shutdown/autistic burnout.  I just feel so blooming useless and am struggling so much with low self esteem.  Sorry for the negative post.  Slight frown

  • Are you on medication? Just asking because I was very very suspicious of taking medication but I relented and I got prescribed something and surprisingly I think it is helpful. I'm on a low dose of beta blockers that I can take as and when I need. It doesn't stop me worrying about stuff but it stops me being physically scared so it's easier to be rational and dismiss the anxiety and do what I need to do despite it. Kind of a similar effect to  a really good yoga session, but it's hard to fit that in every day around everything else. Obviously everyone's circumstances are different though and it might not be appropriate for you.

  • Hi, thank you so much for your reply.  Yes I am on medication - I was on fluoxetine for many years (60mg in the end) but now I'm on sertraline.  My dose has just been increased to 150mg and I'm really hoping it helps because the anxiety is the worst it has ever been my whole life.  I just want to stay at home all the time - it just feels safer at home where I can just be myself.  This is going to cause pretty major problems in the new year though as I just don't know how I can go back to work as I can't leave the house alone.  I'm just so anxious when I think of seeing other people.  I may also give yoga a try at home in the new year as i cab do it at home.

    Hope you're feeling ok.

  • Hi, thank you so much for your reply.  Yes I am on medication - I was on fluoxetine for many years (60mg in the end) but now I'm on sertraline.  My dose has just been increased to 150mg and I'm really hoping it helps because the anxiety is the worst it has ever been my whole life.  I just want to stay at home all the time - it just feels safer at home where I can just be myself.  This is going to cause pretty major problems in the new year though as I just don't know how I can go back to work as I can't leave the house alone.  I'm just so anxious when I think of seeing other people.  I may also give yoga a try at home in the new year as i cab do it at home.

    Hope you're feeling ok.

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