Struggles with Christmas

Does anyone else really struggle with Christmas or find it too overwhelming?

I love Christmas day with my family but I get very nervous about it in advance and can't stand the pressure of a day where I feel we all have to be happy. Also, I can't stand the build up. I hate all the endless Christmas songs in shops and the fact that everyone tells me I have to look forward to Christmas and it has to be this big amazing thing. I don't understand why, I mean it happens every year its not a novelty. I have always struggled with anything people tell me I have to enjoy, I automatically feel so much pressure then that I cant enjoy it and I can't cope. Christmas is that times 100, society and everyone telling me I have to enjoy it and be  happy, i cant cope with the pressure.

Also I hate the greed of Christmas, everyone just out for what they can get. I hate the crowds and the people barging past you in shops to get more for themselves. I dont understand the point of giving cards to people you hardly speak to all year or giving presents that people dont really want just for the sake of it.

I really hate the commercialism and the endless adverts telling you you cant enjoy yourself unless you spend loads of money you dont have on stuff you dont need just to make these companies richer 

I really struggle with the sensory overload of all the noise and decorations in shops and the fact that you cant escape it, whereever you go its just Christmas stuff everywhere in your face and it is such an overload for me.

Also, I cant tell anyone any of this or they just make me feel like a grinch. It feels like your not allowed to say you dont enjoy it 

Im a Christian so i love the meaning of Christmas ( I realise that might not be the case for everyone) and I love spending time with my family but thats about it.

I always have a complete breakdown just before Christmas every year, regular as clockwork 

Sorry if I sound like a party pooper but I just wondered if anyone else out there felt like me? Is this an autistic thing or is it just me 

  • Feelings like this are incredibly common in people with ASD.  It's quite widely reported.  Lots of people reading this (including me) will relate to at least some of it.  I'm not remotely religious but a lot of the rest is common.

  • Feelings like this are incredibly common in people with ASD.  It's quite widely reported.  Lots of people reading this (including me) will relate to at least some of it.  I'm not remotely religious but a lot of the rest is common.

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