Diagnosis at 34

Hi all,

I am 34, dyslexic but no diagnosis of autism.

Two close family members of mine have been diagnosed with autism in the past 2 years.

After some time off work with Mental Health issues and subsequently leaving, I am starting to think I may be autistic too.

I often struggle with social situations (not servery but noticeably). I struggle a lot with change and disorganization (a large part of my leaving my job). I also struggle a lot with particular noise stimuli (particularly road noise/traffic) to the point where I just have to leave / go somewhere without noise.

These things haven't held me back too much (I am a reasonably successful product designer) but after leaving 2 good jobs because of Mental Health / burnout, deteriorating professional relationships (Which in my opinion have arisen from poor management. Possibly due my me need to be managed differently?) I am starting to wonder if there is more too my mental Health issues and my inability to stay in a job for 2-3 years.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Does this sound like it could be autism / related to autism?
And if so, does anyone have any advice on how to move forward / get assessed?



  • Hi all,


    A few people asked me to let them know how things wend with the GP.

    I went last week and the GP was very receptive and understanding. I made a list of examples where I display ASD symptoms. The GP asked me to email him the list as it would be useful for the next stage of diagnosis and he gave me a AQ10 questionnaire which I completed and sent back.

    We'll see where things go from here. I scored very highly on the questionnaire (indicating ASD) and the more research I do the more I think I am on the autistic spectrum. So far it has been a really positive experience, learning about myself with help from lovely people like all of you has made me very positive about finding a new job and direction in life that will work for me / with my way of working.

    I've got a long way to go to learn about how I work but this is a good start.


    Thank you all :)


  • Thanks for updating us, WR.  It's great to hear what a positive experience it's been for you so far, and I'm glad things went well with your GP.

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