Goodbye and Good Luck!

I'm moving on. It's been an interesting experience exploring the virtual autistic world, getting to interact with such a diverse bunch of folk. I'm grateful for the experience. It's brought me back to myself after a period of inner instability following my autism diagnosis in May of this year. 

Farewell and good luck!

  • I've heard of this "moving on" thing. It sounds scary, so best of luck with it! ;c)

    I've personally enjoyed reading most of what you wrote very much, and you are one of the people here that I'd have been happy to meet if the opportunity ever arose. 

    I'm sorry it's taken me eight days to see your post & respond. 

  • from your post I would conclude you at that state of mind telling you 'no' when you try to think about doing things non-autistic way, and getting anxiety bonus.

  • I've spent my life trying not to do things the Autistic way, now I have a RIGHT to be myself, I'm not worried about most other people's reaction to me, so much any more... The people who have stuck by me though the previous journey where we didn't know why I was the way I am, I care about what they think & feel in respect to me..

    I'm only get an anxiety bonus when I think about what may be happening inside the bodies of my loved ones who submitted to the governments psychological operation to make people think it is a smart idea to stick entirely untested biotechnology into your arms.

    I get mildly anxious about the possibilty of some brainwashed folk dragging me off and forcibly sticking experimental compounds in my arm against my consent. Or persecuting me for an attitude I may have held many years ago. Or any other "wrongthink" that is yet to be invented. 

    I get anxious about the idea of what will happen if they win the war aginst cash, where every transaction can be logged, evaluated and taxed without you having any real recourse.

    And I get positively terrified at the thought of a society where "you will own nothing and be happy" especially when I dig into the nature of the people who are driving it.

    Being Autistic is a walk in the park compared to the problems it appears that a few of my more deluded and frankly MAD fellow men have in store for me and everyone else I know. .

    But then I realise this is all just "wrongthink", and stick the telly on and relax with the BBC. They'll show me  how I should be thinking and acting.. 

  • I just accepted similar path

    I would say its 3rd step to undertanding:

    self-diagnosies, diagnosis, rejection of masking

    future worries me not


    is followed with calm feeling of anger, staying at the same level for days after

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