Energy Accounting

I am super interested in the idea of 'energy accounting'.  This idea just seems to make such perfect sense.  For those of you who might not have heard of it, here's Purple Ella explaining:

Energy Accounting|Purple Ella - Bing video

Now I gather there are apps out there.  This clever chap wrote one, which looks interesting, but it seems to be for iphone and I have an android

Autistic Teenager Creates App To Help People On The Spectrum (

...and play store isn't suggesting anything obvious.  

So, any one know of any good energy accounting apps out there for android phones?

  • Sorry I can’t help with app suggestions, but I’ve just looked up ‘energy accounting’ and it looks really interesting.  I have a feeling I’ll be reading a lot more about it now, so if I come across any apps while doing so, I’ll let you know.

  • Did a bit more digging around the app.  It's dated 2019 and doesn't seem to be available now :-(.  Shame, that looked really useful.  And yes, I think the energy accounting idea is fab and will help me with a lot.

  • Did a bit more digging around the app.  It's dated 2019 and doesn't seem to be available now :-(.  Shame, that looked really useful.  And yes, I think the energy accounting idea is fab and will help me with a lot.

  • Yes, I've come across Spoons - similar idea, but I prefer to think in terms of an 'account' too

  • It does look like the app is no longer available - not even for iPhone.  I found one called Spoons, which claims you can add energy-replenishing activities as well as those that take away, but it’s £3.49 with no option of a free trial, and no reviews to check whether it’s actually any good.  Smirk

    Or SpoonieDay, but that only allows ‘spoons’ to be taken away.  I really prefer the idea of energy accounting and planning to balance my energetic bank account.