
Does anyone else feel affected by the clothes they wear? I find like different ways of dressing trigger me and affect my personality.

Like if I dress a certain way I feel like I will behave a certain way or that I should behave a certain way. If I wear a different sort of outfit I feel I need to behave differently or act differently

I also get quite stressed if I feel my clothes dont go together. Like normal casual clothes on top and sportier clothes on bottom for instance

Haircuts are quite a stressful trigger for me as well

Just wondered whether clothes can be a trigger for anyone else or is it just me?

  • As an older gay man, aside from drag and aside from work uniform, clothes and haircuts don’t really bother me - I tend to stick to age appropriate classic clothes, no trainers, etc and I’m not a follower of fashion, even though I can appreciate looking at the latest Paris and Milan fashion trends, if they are well designed and practical - I think that conservative business attire and semi-formal or smart casual best suits my fashion sense and I don’t think that I’d look out of place among members of the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace or Windsor 

  • All of my clothes are wearing out and I will need more soon, I hate clothes shopping, theres never anything I like that fits me, often not anything I don't like that fits me either! I'm almost permanently scruffy, I'm an attractive person, all sorts of crud is attracted to me and sticks to me, my hair stands on end and will not do what it's told, it might sulk and pretend to behave itself, before doing something even stranger than normal, like not taking a curl, leaving me sat under a hood dryer for an hour with my head scorching, then suddenly deciding it will take a curl so well I end up looking like Marg Simpson for a few days!

  • It’s a common thing with all clothes makers these days, they are of such poor quality that they cannot even be repaired - and a size 30 waist is not always the same everywhere - as I get older, I think I’m size 35 waist now - I usually go the skinhead route as my hair grows so fast, but I can get away with it as I wear glasses - shoes always follow the latest fashion trends that I’m not interested in, as I prefer semi-formal, smart casual or business attire, as this is classic/traditional and age appropriate 

  • It’s a common thing with all clothes makers these days, they are of such poor quality that they cannot even be repaired - and a size 30 waist is not always the same everywhere - as I get older, I think I’m size 35 waist now - I usually go the skinhead route as my hair grows so fast, but I can get away with it as I wear glasses - shoes always follow the latest fashion trends that I’m not interested in, as I prefer semi-formal, smart casual or business attire, as this is classic/traditional and age appropriate 

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