
Does anyone else feel affected by the clothes they wear? I find like different ways of dressing trigger me and affect my personality.

Like if I dress a certain way I feel like I will behave a certain way or that I should behave a certain way. If I wear a different sort of outfit I feel I need to behave differently or act differently

I also get quite stressed if I feel my clothes dont go together. Like normal casual clothes on top and sportier clothes on bottom for instance

Haircuts are quite a stressful trigger for me as well

Just wondered whether clothes can be a trigger for anyone else or is it just me?

  • Clothes make a huge difference to how we feel. I worked at a place once where everyone wore more or less the same colours as that was the dress code.

    When i was employed by the company, they did aSunflowersychometric test and before they offered me the position said, they wanted me to wear what I want. Apparently the test results showed them that letting me be an individual would bring the best outSunflowern me. Hell I took that and ran with it, everyone else in their blue/black suits and me in the dress with huge yellow sunflowers Sunflower statement jewellery etc. They didn’t take my individuality away and I excelled in the role within a year !!  Now where I work we are not allowed anything individual, uniformed, I feel constrained because clothes are an expression of who you are. 

  • That’s a shame. You just reminded me with your story of Verity Lambert, trailblazing first producer of Doctor Who and creative force in getting Minder, Jonathan Creek, and … well, Eldorado (they can’t all be winners but you can’t fault the ambition!) off the ground. When she got that producer job on Who (basically the first female in that sort of role) she came in every day in her own very strikingly modern and orthodoxy -challenging styles - think Mary Quant basically- and had many comments made about her behind her back and within earshot. Including some innuendos about why she’d dress that way, what it might have done for her ascendancy etc. she ignored it all, stuck to wearing what she felt like wearing, quickly  had the full respect of anyone working within her close circle. And the sniggerers and eye-rollers have long since been forgotten or are footnotes. Her name and history is immortal. Not saying that clothes make the woman, but the woman who is herself (or person who is themself) has an authenticity that communicates itself in many ways, and why not sartorially? Good on ya, Verity. 

  • I’m sure Verity also produced Blue Peter for quite a few years. Eldorado was definitely the pinnacle of her career! 

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