Comfort Eating?

Why do they refer to comfort eating when it is anything but a comfort afterwards? I try hard to eat well and normally eat only small portions but sometimes the urge to eat more is just too much. I made two helpings of Millionaires Short Bread and ate them both over two days. It felt great at first but when I had eaten, then the guilt trip starts, the loathing. There is little comfort in comfort eating!    

  • Comfort eating is eating because you need comfort, but it doesn't work that well. I have found that I get more comfort (and feel less regret subsequently) from dealing with things in other ways if I can manage to. E.g. drink hot water/tea, talk things over with friends/family, exercise, listen to music, play with a pet, watch a favourite film. Feeling guilty and berating yourself won't help you to break the habit though, take it easy. (I think I was a bit bulimic a few years ago. I'd get really really stressed/anxious/sad and binge and then skip meals/exercise obsessively/try to make myself vomit.)

  • Comfort eating is eating because you need comfort, but it doesn't work that well. I have found that I get more comfort (and feel less regret subsequently) from dealing with things in other ways if I can manage to. E.g. drink hot water/tea, talk things over with friends/family, exercise, listen to music, play with a pet, watch a favourite film. Feeling guilty and berating yourself won't help you to break the habit though, take it easy. (I think I was a bit bulimic a few years ago. I'd get really really stressed/anxious/sad and binge and then skip meals/exercise obsessively/try to make myself vomit.)

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