

I've tried going vegetarian before but I can't seem to stick to it.

Could anyone link or list benefits? Physical, environmental, etc.

I can't go vegan due to my eating disorder, so vegetarianism is my only option.

Can you recommend good veggie foods too please?

  • I manage by eating as little meat as possible. I will buy meat if it is good value (within a certain quality) from the bargain last use by date section. Chucked in the freezer. I mainly do beans, pulses, carrots, peppers, onions and green veg. Potatoes once in a while but i don't like to eat too much starch however tasty it is.

    I have 1 giant pan to make batches of food, let it cool, portion it out, cool in fridge for 3 hours then into freezer for whenever.

    Everything goes into my one pan. I can cook so methods don't need to be gone through for what is essentially a slow cook with the lid on (to preserve nutrients) on a light heat for a few hours until the pulses have gone soft. I vary it with seasonally cheap veg. Turnips are out right now and potato and turnip mash with butter is delish.

  • Last week i found a cheap cabbage, quartered it, hearts on (delicious) steamed it and ate that as the the main part of a meal. Delicious.

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  • The very reason I do as little as possible in the healthiest way possible.

    Muesli is great for energy with either water or no-sugar coconut milk. I put some berries in mine that i got from blackberrying in my urban locality away from traffic.

  • I used to love cooking but recently the thought of having to think of meal ideas, cook them And then clean up is so overwhelming!

    I end up getting takeaway all the time and not many places have very good veggie options.

    now that I’m going back to dance classes I think I will try to cook more. I’ll feel more energetic and less lethargic with better food in me I think!

    thanks for your suggestions!