The Poor Shop

When I started shopping in Tesco as a child all of those decades ago (long before the turn of this century), it was stacked high with 'the cheapest' produce on grubby pallets instead of clinical white shelving, this kept the cost down for the beginnings of the large scale 'discount retailer'. Anyone who used Tesco in those days was commented on to be "poor". Often insultingly  from youngsters but matter of fact by so called grown ups. I always refer to it in those long passed days as 'The Poor Shop'.

In the 1990s whilst investing in more outlets Tesco started to become cleaner and more streamlined. Of course their ever increasing buying power enabled higher margins to turn it into the investor behemoth that it is today.

So it was with confusion that a person said to me in the 2000s

"I bet you shop in Tesco don't you?" I answered that I do and they said that it was

"The Posh shop".

However much I tried to explain that Tesco was always the poor shop, they would have it only that this pristine store in their locality was the posh shop and therefore the whole organisation was 'the posh shop'

In the 2020s Tesco is no longer the poor shop, they have lost their competitive edge as German supermarkets make their presence felt with 'adequate produce' manufactured to just within the confines of food safety regulations where, incidentally, I do most of my shopping along with other equally good value retailers, happy that the difference between now and then (decades ago) is colossal in favour of quality and hygiene.

Millions of families have been raised on this produce, my own included, and it has served a large part of our nation (UK). Today though, and for years, I've seen scalping practices employed at Tesco to push prices as far as possible through the ceiling of inflation for the sole purpose of generating profit for those gamblers who risk their own and others finances on the stock market. They are responsible for keeping your food expensive. Tesco have lost billions to the newcomers though and the trend continues shown by the amount of new German originating stores opening and due to be built.

The point though is this, Tesco is now testing out the 'no till' shop where you can walk in, pick up your goods and walk straight out again. In that store you will find only the very best of the best produce designed to be twice the price whilst the majority of the rest of the produce (bendy, slightly soiled and misshapen and all) can be filtered out to the masses in not so urban areas which will maintain the discounted food for us masses.

This to me is reminiscent of the glaring disparity between societies in Demolition Man (Stallone, Bullock, Hawthorne, Leary). Sure it is fiction. It is also the continuation of a creeping privilege servicing and promoting those with more surplus income where they can trade without concern for price whilst the majority continue the battle of balance between income and outgoings, oblivious to what 'surplus income' is.

However much social engineering goes on over the years by grandiose shop keepers the masses (including me) continue to wash their veg, grow their own where they can and search out value over convenience. At least we are now being accommodated for in the larger stores with low stimulus hour. Before the current pandemic though the best time for me to shop was in the 24 hours opening store at night, it was wonderful.

LINK to news story -

  • eh, tesco was just a supermarket... theres nothing posh nor poor about a supermarket, its just a warehouse that sells a vast amount of groceries and things every single house needs all in one place so you dont need to go miles here and there to pick up the odd 1 thing or 2 here and there.

    i member as a kid it was considered poor to buy clothes from tesco or whatever... but yeah. that was just on clothes. anything else your expected to get groceries from there whether your rich or poor. just not clothes. because people are more snobby about clothes and seem to think that people will know that your plain black shirt has a lable they are supposed to know but probably dont, and somehow are also expected to know you acted dumb and paid £500 for that shirt that looks exactly the same as a £1 standard labeless shirt lol

  • I will tell you about veggies in a supermarket,

    I worked in one for over 6 years,

    not one colleague that could tell a difference between this year potato or a previous year, and that is the easiest veggie to tell it, 

    so this year, they started selling this year potato about 3rd week of July,  this year onions 1st week of August, this year carrot 2st week of August, and so on

    anybody has an idea what is the difference between what is labelled as ''new potato'' and ''baby potato'' according to them? I haven't figured that out yet

    it is being sold all year long

  • They are as you suspect the same thing. People appear blind to process and only envisage and consider 'finished product'. 

  • I came up with a better example for the popular tendency to omit polish letter thesedays:

    ja drzemię - I am napping

    on drzemie - he is napping

    while in polish it is grammaticaly correct to say 'drzemię'' and it means the same as ''ja drzemię''. You can omit pronouns beacuse verbs are conjugated. So, how someone who does not understand polish grammar can tell a difference if you omit pronouns and polish letters?

    while doing it i accidently stumbled upon a website where you can check declension and conjugation in other languages:ć

  • Sounds like you can eat anything you like! I can't because most foods make me ill. Lucky, lucky you!

  • because of communication happening online more and more it is dying out

    nobody bothers to write szczęka when they can do szczeka, 

    it might be additional nightmare for foreigners to grasp, first word means jaw second barking

    I do not even add polish keyboard settings in windows anymore

  • Yes, declension of case is a left-over from Latin and is still present in Germanic languages. I knew it as a major part of Russian, but I didn't think it was widespread among all Slavic languages. Oh, well! 

  • there is few groups of words that follow conjugation and declension the same way basicaly, and many exceptiions that do not belong to any

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