Jealousy- does anyone else suffer from it?

 I would say one of my biggest faults is jealousy.

I don't know why, but it is. I don't like it. But looking back over my life it has caused me most problems.

I don't know if jealousy is linked to autism or not.

Does any else find this a problem?

  • Dein Glück ist nicht mein Glück ist mein Unglück.

    isn’t that the way of it? In order for one person to be happy another must be miserable. Example two men hopelessly in love with the same woman. You know there is no good outcome for them both. But it’s not just romance it can be jobs, promotions. Getting your way on an important issue. It’s tragically unfair not everyone can get their way. So in the name of fairness as a society we are forced to judge who’s way is more right than another’s. Conflict is unavoidable.

  • Dein Glück ist nicht mein Glück ist mein Unglück.

    isn’t that the way of it? In order for one person to be happy another must be miserable. Example two men hopelessly in love with the same woman. You know there is no good outcome for them both. But it’s not just romance it can be jobs, promotions. Getting your way on an important issue. It’s tragically unfair not everyone can get their way. So in the name of fairness as a society we are forced to judge who’s way is more right than another’s. Conflict is unavoidable.

  • Jealousy is one of those feelings that we stuff and stuff until it bursts out of our otherwise nice personality. It can make us feel bad, or like we might do something really stupid, not to mention harmful. Jealousy usually gets the best of us when it comes to our relationships, so it's good to understand how to deal with those feelings in a healthy way before they get out of hand.

    Vocal Media

  • they could have triple marriage

  • The thing about autism, I think, is a world that’s kind to us would be found very inconvenient for the rest of humanity. Would it crush their souls the way the world so often crushes ours? No. But it would make their lives harder. So they stamp their feet and complain about how unreasonable and unrealistic we are to expect the world to change for us.