About loud sounds


Anyone here extremely sensitive to sound i.e unexpected loud sounds gives you panic attacks and/or meltdowns? I moved out of a communal block of flats because I could not cope with the communal alarms persistently activating. They were all hard wired as well as interlinked but each time they went off, I had a severe panic attack followed by a meltdown. From February 2022, it's going to become law for us to have smoke and heat alarms installed in each room in a flat or house but don't get me wrong, I understand how vital and important these alarms are as well as what purpose they serve. I just can't cope with more than one alarm in the flat due to previous experience however, knowing we must have an alarm in every room just fills me with severe anxiety about never being able to relax in any room I'm in.

Has anyone or a parent/carer of an autistic person been able to figure out a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance for your help.

  • I have these issues with my 2 kids. I have to wear noise cancelling  headphones all thru the day. Our young one incessant moaning and loudness really grates on me. Add onto it all of life's other annoying sounds it makes a sensory nightmare for me and really drains me and sends me into depressing. Yeh so I'm completely understanding of these issues you have. My suggestion would be definitely try noise cancelling headphones which dampen the noises down. Otherwise I would be in a looney bin. I hope this helps you

  • I have these issues with my 2 kids. I have to wear noise cancelling  headphones all thru the day. Our young one incessant moaning and loudness really grates on me. Add onto it all of life's other annoying sounds it makes a sensory nightmare for me and really drains me and sends me into depressing. Yeh so I'm completely understanding of these issues you have. My suggestion would be definitely try noise cancelling headphones which dampen the noises down. Otherwise I would be in a looney bin. I hope this helps you

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