What's the earliest year you've seen on a gravestone?

MUST be organic. You didn't seek out old gravestones, not a historical site, you're not an archaeologist. You MUST have stumbled on it (in a cemetary or other religious burial ground).

I have seen 1717.

  • Hey there, what's up! I'm new on this forum, and I stumbled upon this old post of yours. I gotta say, it's pretty interesting! I've never really paid attention to the dates on gravestones before, but now I'm curious. The earliest year I've seen on a gravestone was 1792. I was walking through a cemetery with my friends and we stumbled upon it. It was made of Sunset Red Granite [link removed by Moderator] and looked really old school. It was pretty cool to see something that old. I don't know much about gravestones, but I've heard that Red Granite is a popular material for them. I guess it's because it's durable and looks nice. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it sounds legit. Anyways, thanks for starting this thread. It's always interesting to learn new things.

  • Hey there, what's up! I'm new on this forum, and I stumbled upon this old post of yours. I gotta say, it's pretty interesting! I've never really paid attention to the dates on gravestones before, but now I'm curious. The earliest year I've seen on a gravestone was 1792. I was walking through a cemetery with my friends and we stumbled upon it. It was made of Sunset Red Granite [link removed by Moderator] and looked really old school. It was pretty cool to see something that old. I don't know much about gravestones, but I've heard that Red Granite is a popular material for them. I guess it's because it's durable and looks nice. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it sounds legit. Anyways, thanks for starting this thread. It's always interesting to learn new things.

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