Adult ASD assessment and parental input

Hi everyone

Just after some advice really from those who have been through the ASD assessment as an adult, I'm 37.

I've been put on the waiting list and been sent some questionnaires to complete. The ones about childhood I have given to my mum to complete but from discussing autism with her so far she seems to have a flippant or stereotypical view and is of the opinion that there was nothing neurodiverse when I was a child other than I was shy.

I have to complete a similar questionnaire and I'm concerned that my scoring will be a lot different, so to what extent is the input from parents/relatives taken into account for the assessment and diagnosis?

  • I’m also waiting for assessment and had the same concerns. My Dad also thinks I was ‘just shy’. I did the questionnaire with him and would accept his answers if I had no memory of it being any different. However one question asked if there were any teacher concerns at school. My Dad said there weren’t but I recall my mum talking to me in primary 6 as the teachers had spoken to her, they had noticed I had trouble approaching other children in the playground. In that instance I asked my Dad to change his answer as I knew it was incorrect. 
    I know that in the assessment you have the option to being someone but you don’t have to.

  • I’m also waiting for assessment and had the same concerns. My Dad also thinks I was ‘just shy’. I did the questionnaire with him and would accept his answers if I had no memory of it being any different. However one question asked if there were any teacher concerns at school. My Dad said there weren’t but I recall my mum talking to me in primary 6 as the teachers had spoken to her, they had noticed I had trouble approaching other children in the playground. In that instance I asked my Dad to change his answer as I knew it was incorrect. 
    I know that in the assessment you have the option to being someone but you don’t have to.

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