Are we Dr Evil??

I've been wanting to write that title, and make this post for some months now.

I will confess I am very interested in "Morality" and the parts that both Good and Evil impulses, actions and thinking has played in my life, and yours...

I was struck at how the simple Dr Evil characters as played in childrens cartoons & comedy (both areas of public communictaions where the sophistication is stripped away, and communication deliberately made understandable were always "misunderstood and bullied" and their great Evil was simple striking out at those who had offended and marginalised them. 

I was struck by how my childhood followed that particular paradigm very well indeed, until one day in my early twenties a particularly strong reefer taught (or reminded me) me that I needed to treat others as I would like to have been treated and not as they tended to treat me. 

I still however am quite annoyed about many things, and in my own areas of competencies quite inclined to be autocratic, so I genuinely did wonder, do the Adolf Hitlers and other great evil people have a streak of what I have? I've had to make quiet an effort not to be a complete "goit"* on many an occasion...  (* H/T to Arnold Rimmer)

Is this a real general tendancy in Autiistic behaviour, and could it be why the NT's (as a rule) make damn sure we never get into positions of power?

  • I was taught morality by my Grandmother.  Who was a christian socialist ,excommunicated from the church of england in the 1940's, for having a child out of wedlock.  She taught my mum her morality and she also raised her brother Reg who was on a minesweeper during the war and recently received  the highest medal from the French for his exploits.  So in that context i don't consider myself Hitlerian in any shape or form.

    My impulses are moral. My first impulses.  I suppose if i was dragged into the dirt for long enough i could become a ***.  The world will have that effect on you.  People will try to turn you too.

  • I was taught morality by my Grandmother.  Who was a christian socialist ,excommunicated from the church of england in the 1940's, for having a child out of wedlock.  She taught my mum her morality and she also raised her brother Reg who was on a minesweeper during the war and recently received  the highest medal from the French for his exploits.  So in that context i don't consider myself Hitlerian in any shape or form.

    My impulses are moral. My first impulses.  I suppose if i was dragged into the dirt for long enough i could become a ***.  The world will have that effect on you.  People will try to turn you too.
