Moving home as a person with Asperger’s syndrome


I have Asperger’s syndrome I’m 28 years old single  from Bradford and I really want to move home currently living with parents  I’m constantly getting anxiety and social  anxiety disorder and various  phobias and fears I think I don’t have the full freedom I need being in my parents home so really want to move out also I think this will help me with my anxiety and stress and fears  also I’ve been thinking about getting married but I just think it won’t go well and my relationship will not be good I also have epilepsy but really want to move home with support I think maybe I could be more happier if I moved out because I’m always at home at my parents house and rarely go out and I think the environment that I’m living in is causing this as well as mental health problems and Asperger’s syndrome I think I could me more free if I move out any suggestions?

  • I identify with your feelings.  You are not alone.  I’m on your side.  Despite difficulties freedom shall be yours.  It was a process for me.  I have my own place now but used to think it would be impossible for my current situation to happen.  I have a tendency to negativity but that is an attitude I have and not a description of the way things are, were, might or will be.  The ‘disorder’ part of autism is realised - for me - in negativity of mind.  

  • I identify with your feelings.  You are not alone.  I’m on your side.  Despite difficulties freedom shall be yours.  It was a process for me.  I have my own place now but used to think it would be impossible for my current situation to happen.  I have a tendency to negativity but that is an attitude I have and not a description of the way things are, were, might or will be.  The ‘disorder’ part of autism is realised - for me - in negativity of mind.  

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