Getting A Late Diagnosis

I'm having a problem with my GP, he won't refer me for an autism assessment because in his eyes ( and the second opinion doctor ) people my age are rarely diagnosed because it's always caught in childhood.
I know that's not true, more and more adults are being diagnosed.

I had been seeing a psychiatrist a few years ago and he leaned on thinking I have BPD ( I looked at his Twitter page, he seems like posting about BPD)

I researched BPD and though I did understand it, it didn't match what I go through or how I feel.
I've been called autistic since school, though I never knew what it was.
I was getting called the same thing when I joined college, so I started looking it up and they actually seem to be right. Not all of those people were being cruel, some said they had autism themselves or had family who did.

The GP won't listen, and I'm going to have a huge problem trying to pay for a private assessment.

What the hell should I do?

  • your gp's a idiot. he judges it by todays standards in which kids get thrusted on any alphabet label if they dont have one, thus kids are overdiagnosed these days... but adults were not diagnosed at all because in our day when we was kids no one gave a *** about alphabeti spagetti and kids were just kids and no one got diagnosed for anything. so your gp is totally wrong to judge all by todays kiddo generation when we wasnt in this generation.

    and yeah if your pshiciatrist is obssessed with bp he probably is a "activist" for it and will thrust it on everyone to grow his bpd group biasedly because he loves it lol everyone with their prefered group will try and grow it and make it more influential and big, that is basically what other certain loud groups that are orientated on sexuality also do....

  • your gp's a idiot. he judges it by todays standards in which kids get thrusted on any alphabet label if they dont have one, thus kids are overdiagnosed these days... but adults were not diagnosed at all because in our day when we was kids no one gave a *** about alphabeti spagetti and kids were just kids and no one got diagnosed for anything. so your gp is totally wrong to judge all by todays kiddo generation when we wasnt in this generation.

    and yeah if your pshiciatrist is obssessed with bp he probably is a "activist" for it and will thrust it on everyone to grow his bpd group biasedly because he loves it lol everyone with their prefered group will try and grow it and make it more influential and big, that is basically what other certain loud groups that are orientated on sexuality also do....

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