Coming to terms with realising you are probably autistic


Sorry I've been posting on here such a lot recently.  I was just wondering if anyone can relate to this.

Did you find it hard to come to terms with, when you first realised you might be autistic?  I haven't yet been diagnosed, but I'm becoming more and more sure that I am autistic, the more I find out about autism and recognise the signs in myself.

I'm finding that it's very hard for me to concentrate on work at the moment, and I'm just feeling upset, tense and unsettled.  Also really anxious.

I don't know if this is normal or if anyone else experienced this when you were at a similar stage?

I don't know if I should try to fight it and carry on as normal, or give myself a bit of slack and try to rest a bit more when I can.

  • Hi I don't no if anyone feels the same but I've just been diagnosed with autism and adhd at 22 and I just can't make sense of it, it explains why I've struggled but now I feel ill be judged or discrimated for who I am

  • Hi I don't no if anyone feels the same but I've just been diagnosed with autism and adhd at 22 and I just can't make sense of it, it explains why I've struggled but now I feel ill be judged or discrimated for who I am

  • Hi there, I'm sorry that this is a worry, it's a shame that some people aren't accepting.  I don't have much experience of this, as I haven't yet been diagnosed, but maybe others can help.  Maybe it might help to think carefully about who you disclose the diagnosis to.  It's not possible to predict how people will respond, but maybe tell the people closest to you first, people who you trust.  I'm not planning to tell any employers or potential employers - as far as I know, this isn't compulsory.  I find it's helping me to meet people in the autistic community because it's helpful to feel that I am accepted and understood here.

  • shouldnt be any difference, i mean you should already have felt discriminated against and out of place and excluded anyway which lead you to the diagnosis lol