Football (Why?)

Anyone else out there, like me, who's sick to the back teeth of Football? Luckily, thanks to never watching mainstream media or news, I'm not as bombarded with it as in previous years, but still, enough still seeps through to irritate me. I'm convinced that being completely disinterested in watching grown men run around a field kicking a ball between is an autistic trait. I can't think of much else that seems so utterly tedious and pointless. I suppose it gives people an excuse to celebrate pride in their nation, which I think is very important. And, if England win (whatever it is they win) then I suppose it will also be one in the eye for all the Remoaners who are clinging on to the fantasy of rejoining the EU.

  • at most id understand playing it.... but watching it is a bit sad and boring... why dont all the so called fans just play football instead if they like it so much? ...hell if they did that wed have so much footballers wed no longer be paying them 10 billion per day to play a f****** childrens game for 30 minutes per week.

    all that money wasted on football, could have made every single person in this country a millionaire if it was distributed fairly and thus ended poverty.

  • I suppose it gives people an excuse to celebrate pride in their nation, which I think is very important. And, if England win (whatever it is they win) then I suppose it will also be one in the eye for all the Remoaners who are clinging on to the fantasy of rejoining the EU.

  • I don't think the term 'remoaners' is an appropriate term.

    I don't want to talk in depth about my own political views, but we shouldn't put down those whose views differ in pegoriative terms.

    Remain supporters have a passionate believe in what's best for their nation and Europe just as the other side do. You may disagree with them, but there will be no unity unless we respect others have strong beliefs too.

    Personally, I am ashamed to be British right now for lots of reasons.

  • hell id prefer it if those types actually had a argument that can make me think and put me on the back foot for once and entertain me, but they dont lol all they ever come out with is the same stuff i see copy pasted all over facebook if they ever try any argument. they are no fun at all lol its kinda like speaking to clever bot evie or whatever and then after a few minutes realising that its not even a AI and it barely passes as a VI its just a parrot bot that repeats what anyone else has typed to it back to you if it thinks its a valid response to what you typed, when it never is. these people remind me of that bot lol

    infact one bot i found i actually had a convincing philosophical debate with until it borked later on and broke the immersion in a fail. wow even the bots are better at debates than the media brainwashed remainers. i suppose the thing with bots that put them ahead of remainers is that they dont argue, they actually try to challenge your argument with their copy paste responses where as the remoaner bots just attack the person instead of the argument.

  • I can understand your frustration, . JustMe has been following you around the forum, looking for any and every opportunity to start an argument with you. Try to ignore her, and walk away. After a while, it gets easier and she will see that you are not responding, so will leave you alone and look for someone else to use as a trigger for her repressed anger. 

  • and can you tell this, do you think your more british than the hong kongers that wave british flags with love and pride just because your white and live here and had generations here? lol..... i call you out here on this, your not as british as them..... now tell me why you are.... let me guess you cannot answer this without then claiming your more british just because you live here and your white ethinc english right? lmao thus that would show a amazing display of racism on your part.... i dont consider you british.... i consider any hong konger more British than you ever will be.... and you cant dispute that without resorting to racism lol

    being british is about love of britain its history and desire for its future to be grand and better.... and remain independent as a entity so that it still exists and doesnt become the empire of the EU

  • ah and yet again you speak without knowing... britain is a nation.... those that have loyalty and want of betterment and the future of this nation i consider "british" ..... you think im on about genetics? .... your the scumbag racist here then.

    those chinese in hong kong that wave the british flag, they show their love for britain more than remainers do..... i consider them british.... i consider the ones waving EU flags and hating on britain and its history i consider them to be EU colonists and not british, even though some of them are white and english and have generations here, which is funny you cant really cry racism because your side is all full of white people and isnt diverse what so ever lmao.. but they are not british for they have forsaken our nation and turned coat.... its not about genetics like you judge people by in your utter racism... its about loyalty to the nation its culture its history and its future... and if you thought it was about race or ethnicity, then its you who are believing the newspapers and lying scum media for those are the lies they spread. chinese and indians have more loyalty to britain than what you remainers have, they are more british than you will ever be.

    i bet you think english are anglo saxon too because your a utter moron, i dont though... the anglos got wiped out in 1066 and replaced by the normans who are french norwegians.... we are normans at most. the thing is this logic harms your side more because the scottish arnt natives of their land and the welsh arnt different to the current english anyway because the welsh are infact norman too, of which my last name is the most famous of "welsh" names and yet that is not a welsh name but it is a norman frankish name that became the most prominent welsh family lol

    now why dont you come here and defend your own racism now because you look like a utter reprehensible racist right now for thinking that being british means being white which only you think......which is no surprise given your side marched around london with palestine flags chanting "hitler was right" you think thats the side of anti racism? your a moron blind to the world and mislead by the media.

    and you only turn off notifications and dont respond because you have no argument against it, you have no generic copy past deflection you can use and steal off other people because they dont work against my argument style because i use my own words and not copy paste everyone elses over used generic words like brainless bots like you do. hell you cant even defend against your own words and copy paste questions because your side is so shallow and doesnt have any argument or defence.... go on, tell me the benefits of remaining in the eu? ... you lost because you cant even answer your own copy paste shite you use on others. you dont have the answers to anything thus you cant debate, you dont have anything but stuff you copied off others from facebook or the media. you have no case on anything, your better off sitting out of politics because you know nothing of it and every word you copy paste from media or social media is a total admission that you believe the media on anything and dont think for yourself lol 

  • You're talking absolute s***e again! Totally ridiculous generalisations, as usual. Though I expect nothing more of you. You do realise that not one person in the British Isles is truly 'British', don't you? We've been invaded so many times over the centuries that there is no 'pure British' blood anywhere. If people were to take an ancestry DNA tests they'd be surprised by what a mix they were. All the racists that campaigned so hard to leave would be shocked by what's in their heritage. Too many people believe what the Daily Fail and Co tell them. Then they read extremely dubious websites that bolster their twisted beliefs. You claim people are 'indoctrinated' and they are, but you're looking at the wrong people. It's people like you that are indoctrinated, drawn in by others that have the same twisted beliefs and brain washed into thinking you're being original in your thinking, and that only people like you know what's going on. It's ridiculous. Playground politics in an adult world. 

    Go on, have another go, attempt to 'flip' things! Lol!  I've had my say and will not engage further on this matter. Notifications are now turned off. Enjoy your rant with like minded souls.

  • technically they didnt want whats best for britain though, they openly stated they hate britain and want to see it burned down. they wave the EU flag while burning the british flag, they topple british culture and history and hate it. dare i say most of them arnt even truely british but instead are colonists from the imperial EU and that is perhaps why they are that way and hate britain so much? they now desire to want scotland to break away and have said they want wales ireland and even fecking cornwall to break off... you see they dont want whats best for britain, they dont care about britain, they hate britain and want to see it destroyed and will vote to sabotage and destroy our nation. thats the way it is.... they claim to support the NHS but yet their actions and wants will see the NHS wiped out, and the EU target and want to destroy the NHS all the time too as lowering quality of life here is one of their goals. anyone siding with the EU is siding with that goal. but granted alot of people have been indoctrinated by the false news media that have blinded many people to all of this, thats because all the big institutions and rich elite were wanting to push for remain, because they want the EU project to go empire and for a new global empire to rise up in its form to redo all the evils of empire we once did in a much larger scale.

  • technically they didnt want whats best for britain though, they openly stated they hate britain and want to see it burned down. they wave the EU flag while burning the british flag, they topple british culture and history and hate it. dare i say most of them arnt even truely british but instead are colonists from the imperial EU and that is perhaps why they are that way and hate britain so much? they now desire to want scotland to break away and have said they want wales ireland and even fecking cornwall to break off... you see they dont want whats best for britain, they dont care about britain, they hate britain and want to see it destroyed and will vote to sabotage and destroy our nation. thats the way it is.... they claim to support the NHS but yet their actions and wants will see the NHS wiped out, and the EU target and want to destroy the NHS all the time too as lowering quality of life here is one of their goals. anyone siding with the EU is siding with that goal. but granted alot of people have been indoctrinated by the false news media that have blinded many people to all of this, thats because all the big institutions and rich elite were wanting to push for remain, because they want the EU project to go empire and for a new global empire to rise up in its form to redo all the evils of empire we once did in a much larger scale.

  • hell id prefer it if those types actually had a argument that can make me think and put me on the back foot for once and entertain me, but they dont lol all they ever come out with is the same stuff i see copy pasted all over facebook if they ever try any argument. they are no fun at all lol its kinda like speaking to clever bot evie or whatever and then after a few minutes realising that its not even a AI and it barely passes as a VI its just a parrot bot that repeats what anyone else has typed to it back to you if it thinks its a valid response to what you typed, when it never is. these people remind me of that bot lol

    infact one bot i found i actually had a convincing philosophical debate with until it borked later on and broke the immersion in a fail. wow even the bots are better at debates than the media brainwashed remainers. i suppose the thing with bots that put them ahead of remainers is that they dont argue, they actually try to challenge your argument with their copy paste responses where as the remoaner bots just attack the person instead of the argument.

  • I can understand your frustration, . JustMe has been following you around the forum, looking for any and every opportunity to start an argument with you. Try to ignore her, and walk away. After a while, it gets easier and she will see that you are not responding, so will leave you alone and look for someone else to use as a trigger for her repressed anger. 

  • and can you tell this, do you think your more british than the hong kongers that wave british flags with love and pride just because your white and live here and had generations here? lol..... i call you out here on this, your not as british as them..... now tell me why you are.... let me guess you cannot answer this without then claiming your more british just because you live here and your white ethinc english right? lmao thus that would show a amazing display of racism on your part.... i dont consider you british.... i consider any hong konger more British than you ever will be.... and you cant dispute that without resorting to racism lol

    being british is about love of britain its history and desire for its future to be grand and better.... and remain independent as a entity so that it still exists and doesnt become the empire of the EU

  • ah and yet again you speak without knowing... britain is a nation.... those that have loyalty and want of betterment and the future of this nation i consider "british" ..... you think im on about genetics? .... your the scumbag racist here then.

    those chinese in hong kong that wave the british flag, they show their love for britain more than remainers do..... i consider them british.... i consider the ones waving EU flags and hating on britain and its history i consider them to be EU colonists and not british, even though some of them are white and english and have generations here, which is funny you cant really cry racism because your side is all full of white people and isnt diverse what so ever lmao.. but they are not british for they have forsaken our nation and turned coat.... its not about genetics like you judge people by in your utter racism... its about loyalty to the nation its culture its history and its future... and if you thought it was about race or ethnicity, then its you who are believing the newspapers and lying scum media for those are the lies they spread. chinese and indians have more loyalty to britain than what you remainers have, they are more british than you will ever be.

    i bet you think english are anglo saxon too because your a utter moron, i dont though... the anglos got wiped out in 1066 and replaced by the normans who are french norwegians.... we are normans at most. the thing is this logic harms your side more because the scottish arnt natives of their land and the welsh arnt different to the current english anyway because the welsh are infact norman too, of which my last name is the most famous of "welsh" names and yet that is not a welsh name but it is a norman frankish name that became the most prominent welsh family lol

    now why dont you come here and defend your own racism now because you look like a utter reprehensible racist right now for thinking that being british means being white which only you think......which is no surprise given your side marched around london with palestine flags chanting "hitler was right" you think thats the side of anti racism? your a moron blind to the world and mislead by the media.

    and you only turn off notifications and dont respond because you have no argument against it, you have no generic copy past deflection you can use and steal off other people because they dont work against my argument style because i use my own words and not copy paste everyone elses over used generic words like brainless bots like you do. hell you cant even defend against your own words and copy paste questions because your side is so shallow and doesnt have any argument or defence.... go on, tell me the benefits of remaining in the eu? ... you lost because you cant even answer your own copy paste shite you use on others. you dont have the answers to anything thus you cant debate, you dont have anything but stuff you copied off others from facebook or the media. you have no case on anything, your better off sitting out of politics because you know nothing of it and every word you copy paste from media or social media is a total admission that you believe the media on anything and dont think for yourself lol 

  • You're talking absolute s***e again! Totally ridiculous generalisations, as usual. Though I expect nothing more of you. You do realise that not one person in the British Isles is truly 'British', don't you? We've been invaded so many times over the centuries that there is no 'pure British' blood anywhere. If people were to take an ancestry DNA tests they'd be surprised by what a mix they were. All the racists that campaigned so hard to leave would be shocked by what's in their heritage. Too many people believe what the Daily Fail and Co tell them. Then they read extremely dubious websites that bolster their twisted beliefs. You claim people are 'indoctrinated' and they are, but you're looking at the wrong people. It's people like you that are indoctrinated, drawn in by others that have the same twisted beliefs and brain washed into thinking you're being original in your thinking, and that only people like you know what's going on. It's ridiculous. Playground politics in an adult world. 

    Go on, have another go, attempt to 'flip' things! Lol!  I've had my say and will not engage further on this matter. Notifications are now turned off. Enjoy your rant with like minded souls.