There is no future in loving an old man

I love a woman who is 26 years old; I am 61 years old.

I would give all I have to quench this fire that burns within my ***--- to douse the flame, even if I must sink into a sea of loneliness; to rip out whatever part of me that first kindled this hopeless and foolish conflagration; to end the gasps of pain with each grieving breath I take; to smother this unwelcome blaze that no torrent can reach.

My love of her grasped me like a mugger who took everything I had, leaving me naked and unsheltered in this wasteland of despair. This scorching love has left dust in my mouth, as my love for her must remain unspoken. This desire happened to me undesired, like a bolt of lightning setting my house on fire. The searing agony of being too old sends waves of pain down my arms and to my finger tips. I am the victim of Cupid, as most old fools are.

I long for the furnace of her kisses--- willing to be branded, claimed and marked. I ache to float upon the wind of her perfect voice, and never again feel the ground under my feet.

Oh, to be young! I would be in Stockholm now, begging her to share with me the light in her eyes, and to see requited love burn within her. For such a priceless gift I would risk everything and anything, even if she were to tell me "No."

Parents Reply Children
  • It depends how young you were when you married. For me, 10 years is a cut off point. Anything greater than ten years and you’re starting from a position of imbalance. If it's greater than 15 years, then there's definitely something unhealthy going on. It can seem like younger women are getting extra attention in the early days of a relationship with a much older man, which makes them blind to the warning signs of control or abusive. I have personal experience of a predatory relationship with someone much older, where the relationship didn't come from a clean place. Older men think they have got this much younger person who they can mould and direct. The vulnerability developmentally of younger men and women can mean that older predators can have more power over them, and that's the thing to watch out for.

  • I married a man 13 years my senior. That was evil, was it?

    Gosh, I have no idea. :-) It depends upon how young you were.

    It is not the man, nor the marriage, that is evil when age difference is great: radically limiting a young woman's options is.