There is no future in loving an old man

I love a woman who is 26 years old; I am 61 years old.

I would give all I have to quench this fire that burns within my ***--- to douse the flame, even if I must sink into a sea of loneliness; to rip out whatever part of me that first kindled this hopeless and foolish conflagration; to end the gasps of pain with each grieving breath I take; to smother this unwelcome blaze that no torrent can reach.

My love of her grasped me like a mugger who took everything I had, leaving me naked and unsheltered in this wasteland of despair. This scorching love has left dust in my mouth, as my love for her must remain unspoken. This desire happened to me undesired, like a bolt of lightning setting my house on fire. The searing agony of being too old sends waves of pain down my arms and to my finger tips. I am the victim of Cupid, as most old fools are.

I long for the furnace of her kisses--- willing to be branded, claimed and marked. I ache to float upon the wind of her perfect voice, and never again feel the ground under my feet.

Oh, to be young! I would be in Stockholm now, begging her to share with me the light in her eyes, and to see requited love burn within her. For such a priceless gift I would risk everything and anything, even if she were to tell me "No."

  • Disagree, but respectfully. Let's see, where do I start.

    When I was 17, I moved in with my 38 yr old fiance=age difference of 21 years.

    In 2012, I was 27 & lived with my serious boyfriend that was 66=age difference 39 years.

    I'm not an egoist, but I've been told I'm good which, I reply "I'm aight." lol So, if you love someone & they are attracted to you, whether it's your looks/personality--then so be it! This is why I love movies in the 80's/90's....bc a man in his 50's+ would still be considered a sex symbol. We are too obsessed with young culture-it's bs. 

  • Thank you. My ethics were and are involved; I understand that many people will have different reasons for mating with someone considerably older or younger than they. The is no way in Hell I would have a 17-year-old anywhere near me if I were 38 years old, let alone someone 39 years younger than I.

    I would never waste a young girl's / woman's short time for romance, love, and exploration--- all vitally necessary learning processes. No matter how much I burned inside with desire so overwhelming that my passion was like fire through my veins and made it difficult to breathe--- I would ignore her except for only necessary interactions.

    Virtue is important to me, as well as what little self-respect I have retained from a brutal, injurious life. I will cut out my heart before I consider looking at a young woman with anything but old eyes.

  • I would never waste a young girl's / woman's short time for romance, love, and exploration--

    What if doing an old guy was one of her paths of exploration?   Smiley

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