Greenham Common Women.

I've heard a lot of talk this last few years, about the evils of our overlords, but very, very, little in the way of "principles of resistance".

In that vein, I would like to publically salute the Women of Greenham common who endured extreme viscitudes for literally years on end to get a class of foreign theatre nuclear weapons removed from the soil of my country. If any of you have mothers who were a part of that movement, give them a little bit of respect for what they eventually accomplished.

Parents Reply
  • There's a reason all those sci-fi villains can remind some of us of ourselves. 

    I chose the motto "do no harm" to live by, when I realised I was in fact inclined to do harm, due to being semi-permanently annoyed/disappointed by life.

    "Misery loves company" is a paradigm I was keen to break whenever I could. I've kept myself out of trouble by trying real hard not to take out my frustrations on the outside world. I may have difficulty being happy and well adjusted, there's absolutely nothing to be gained by taking it out on other people. (Unless they "come at me", then it's "self defence"..) 

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