Greenham Common Women.

I've heard a lot of talk this last few years, about the evils of our overlords, but very, very, little in the way of "principles of resistance".

In that vein, I would like to publically salute the Women of Greenham common who endured extreme viscitudes for literally years on end to get a class of foreign theatre nuclear weapons removed from the soil of my country. If any of you have mothers who were a part of that movement, give them a little bit of respect for what they eventually accomplished.

  • I used to visit Greenham Common and Upper Heyford to take part in demonstrations. 

  • thanks, the demos helped

  • Thank you. I think they drew attention to the issue. The TV coverage used to compare the size of each side's bombs, like kids on a playground comparing the size of their members.

    Sunday afternoons were pretty comic, I used to get missiles thrown at me over rows about it all - carrots and similar looking objects. I just didn't want to be incinerated in a minute, or worse, survive such a thing. And why should the rest of the anet have to be destroyed over this lunacy too?

    There are still way too many nukes about too

  • Thank you. I think they drew attention to the issue. The TV coverage used to compare the size of each side's bombs, like kids on a playground comparing the size of their members.

    Sunday afternoons were pretty comic, I used to get missiles thrown at me over rows about it all - carrots and similar looking objects. I just didn't want to be incinerated in a minute, or worse, survive such a thing. And why should the rest of the anet have to be destroyed over this lunacy too?

    There are still way too many nukes about too
