Does "Autist" offend you?

I often refer to myself as an "Autist" and would not be at all concerned if anyone else called me it either (assuming it was done without malice).

For some reason the word really appeals to me - it just fits!

A therapist suggested that saying "an autistic person" would be more inclusive.

Are there offensive connotations to the word "Autist"?

  • I’ve been thinking about this kind of stuff a lot recey I haven’t found an answer yet, I’m not sure how to introduce myself in regards to the fact I’m “on the spectrum”.

    I was thinking the move that removing aspergers from diagnostic label want that good of an idea, I get why it was and they say it was because there are a lot of similarities between aspies and autistic people (at the time) but then you here the term classic autism which was something quite different.

    My assessor said even though I’m diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder I am a classic case of aspergers so there’s a contradiction. 

    I think I might get hung up on the technicalities but it bugs and I do almost wish that aspergers was still a thing or something else. I also don’t want to take away or diminish the very difficult struggles other people on the spectrum have compared to me. 

    wonder what you think of this

  • My (amateur) understanding is the Aspergers is used to describe a subset of autistic people (who usually have better language skills and cognitive function).

    The medicos are now thinking that it's better professionally to describe the patients individual needs & abilities rather than fit them into a narrow categories like Aspergers.

    Outside of clinical diagnosis though, I think "Aspergers" will still be used since it's a useful way of communicating in general about an Aspie's characteristics, especially with those who may not know much about autism.

    So in my opinion, have at it and identify yourself as Asperger's if it fits!

  • you basically just described me and I have aspergers. It’s like trying to conceal it all the time cause people don’t know you have it. Think people think I just have quirks! 

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