What do you folks do to circumvent/cope with smell sensory overload?

Looking for any new coping strategies!

  • Avoidance. It’s literally the only thing that works for me. Tabaco is the worst smell adversions I have so with more and more places banning it my life’s been getting easier.

  • Avoidance is the only thing that works for me as well. I try to get away from whatever is causing the smell, and avoid situations where there will be strong smells. When I am forced into one, I will hold my breath and move away, and also breathe very lightly in and then forcefully out through my nose to "get rid" of the smell.

    Smell is a really difficult one, because unlike sight you can't close your eyes and unlike sound, you can't cover your ears or listen to music. Smells pervade and travel very long distances so it's difficult to get away from them.

  • Yes, that's more or less what I do, with some added coping tools that I carry everywhere. Sometimes I cannot get away though, and then meltdown ensues. One of the worst for me is hospital. I desperately need treatment but I'm unable to accept it. I did it before, but all the smells and tastes of tubes down throat after anaesthetic and all the sterile smells every and rubber and plastic... I can't cope with it and don't know what to do.

  • Yes, that's more or less what I do, with some added coping tools that I carry everywhere. Sometimes I cannot get away though, and then meltdown ensues. One of the worst for me is hospital. I desperately need treatment but I'm unable to accept it. I did it before, but all the smells and tastes of tubes down throat after anaesthetic and all the sterile smells every and rubber and plastic... I can't cope with it and don't know what to do.

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