Am i burnt out?

Hi good people, I am really struggling at the moment and want to know weather it is burnout? so a little background.. I am 51 and at the start of 2020 I went to my GP 99% convinced I was autistic. I have struggled all my life but have always had a job, mortgage etc. She said she would refer me and I was happy. Then comes Covid, my dad dying last April and my mum needing to go into care. April-August last year was utter hell, frequent meltdowns but thatnkfully I was furloughed from work. 

Wind forward to now and part of me feels great to be out of lockdown and getting back to normal. But a bigger part of me is just exhausted and could sleep 24hrs a day. We went out to see the inlaws on Monday and even though it was only a half day I felt exhausted and was in bed by 8. Even today a nice day off, went for a walk, saw some friends at a cafe but by 1pm i was utterly exhausted and needed a nap. Am supposed to be going out at the weekend but don't have the energy. I have alyways felt I have two people in my brain, one autistic and one 'normal'. The 'normal' part has always bullied the autistic part to be normal but that seems to be nolonger happerning as much. Because I have masked all my life I don't have much idea what autistic me is actually like. I can just do everyday life but the slightest deviation just kills me. I should be organising a wake for me day but the thought horrifies me, too much anxiety.

I am very scared that going forward I will loose the ability to work and my life will fall apart. I have again asked my GP to find out about getting an NHS assment becuase I feel it is now urgent. So do you think I might be suffering from burnout, anybody else been there and come back from it.



  • I can't answer that one, but share some of the fears for the long term.

    I have come across ideas of "energy accounting" on the web, intended to prevent autistic burn out.  They look very helpful and sensible.

    You might also want to ask your GP if there are any services he can refer you to while you wait.  It might depend on your area, but mine referred to MIND Adult Autism services at the same time as referring for an assessment.  

  • I can't answer that one, but share some of the fears for the long term.

    I have come across ideas of "energy accounting" on the web, intended to prevent autistic burn out.  They look very helpful and sensible.

    You might also want to ask your GP if there are any services he can refer you to while you wait.  It might depend on your area, but mine referred to MIND Adult Autism services at the same time as referring for an assessment.  
