Diagnosed ASD (I'm officially neurodiverse)

This morning I received a call from the Psychologist at the NHS Assessment Team. He wanted to tell me that they had diagnosed me with ASD and to get my feelings about this before they sent the report to me. I couldn't really answer his questions because I didn't know how I felt about it or what exactly was ASD. He said up until recently I would have received a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome, but the terminology had changed in recent times. Now, it is known as Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It's one thing going for the assessment and toying with the idea, it's an other thing being diagnosed and told you have autism. It feels as if the world has just shifted under my feet.


  • Hi Tassimo,

    Welcome to the 'club' I'm newly diagnosed too, I'm still processing it. The terminology was changed in 2013 in case you actually wanted to know the date.

    The forum has been great for me just to speak to people who understand, I'm looking forward to reading more from you :)

  • Thank you. That's very kind of you.

  • I actually like that I didn't look at it that way, thanks :)

  • That is a beautiful way to put it :)

  • it's like I'm moving further and further away from who I was.

    You haven't changed - you've just been given the keys to who you are.

  • Well I did a lot of research before I even sought a diagnosis and I pretty self diagnosed myself and then I went and got a formal assessment to see if I was right and I still research now just because I want to learn as much as I can about myself. I feel like I'm very much a different person now than to who I was before my diagnosis so it's all part of me finding out who I am.

    I've been having a lot of "ohhh so that's an autistic thing" moments since my assessment that I do, that before I wouldn't even even think about, I just almost catch myself doing things and being like "oh so that's an autism" it's kind of cool because I'm understanding who I am more but also it is a bit jarring because it's like I'm moving further and further away from who I was. I don't like sounding all "deep" but that's the best way I can describe it, so I'm just trying to learn to accept that and move forwards and so far I feel like I'm moving forwards to good place rather than a bad one.

  • Well I did a lot of research before I even sought a diagnosis and I pretty self diagnosed myself and then I went and got a formal assessment to see if I was right and I still research now just because I want to learn as much as I can about myself. I feel like I'm very much a different person now than to who I was before my diagnosis so it's all part of me finding out who I am.

    I've been having a lot of "ohhh so that's an autistic thing" moments since my assessment that I do, that before I wouldn't even even think about, I just almost catch myself doing things and being like "oh so that's an autism" it's kind of cool because I'm understanding who I am more but also it is a bit jarring because it's like I'm moving further and further away from who I was. I don't like sounding all "deep" but that's the best way I can describe it, so I'm just trying to learn to accept that and move forwards and so far I feel like I'm moving forwards to good place rather than a bad one.
