Diagnosed ASD (I'm officially neurodiverse)

This morning I received a call from the Psychologist at the NHS Assessment Team. He wanted to tell me that they had diagnosed me with ASD and to get my feelings about this before they sent the report to me. I couldn't really answer his questions because I didn't know how I felt about it or what exactly was ASD. He said up until recently I would have received a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome, but the terminology had changed in recent times. Now, it is known as Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It's one thing going for the assessment and toying with the idea, it's an other thing being diagnosed and told you have autism. It feels as if the world has just shifted under my feet.


  • did they mention levels and recommend any post diagnostic support meetings ?

  • Yes, he did... I think... I'm sure he said that he would include some useful websites (this being one, but I already new about it from a friend) in the assessment report and that the local authority would be in touch to offer some post diagnostic support. To be honest, I can't remember half the things he said. I felt like I was in a car accident and everything was going in slow motion.

  • yes i went into shock because i was there for a different reason ........not autism !....... anyway  here we are 

    i cant remember a thing from the talk either -----  they got very concerned because i couldnt speak -----  yes everything went into a blurr ------ all i have are the leaflets they gave me.  This is why  they want to talk again.

    That is such a good idea i could have done with that.. I do intend to go back to thank the people who helped me because they were so nice to me. . 

  • yes i went into shock because i was there for a different reason ........not autism !....... anyway  here we are 

    i cant remember a thing from the talk either -----  they got very concerned because i couldnt speak -----  yes everything went into a blurr ------ all i have are the leaflets they gave me.  This is why  they want to talk again.

    That is such a good idea i could have done with that.. I do intend to go back to thank the people who helped me because they were so nice to me. . 

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