Newly diagnosed, wondering about burnout.

Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with ASD at 29 only a couple of weeks ago, part of a two year long process.

Recently I've been juggling dating, work (still working from home) and having moved out of my parents and into a house with two friends. For the past few days I've been struggling with motivation. Even drawing or doing anything that's not just sitting there feels overwhelming. I used to go for a long walk and find a quiet beer garden to sit and draw with a drink for an hour or so but even that feels like an empty task.

I've felt burnt out before and I've had time off work but I generally thought it was just a term used in the tech industry.

What are some of the signs of "autistic burnout" especially in adults. Would love to get some clarification so I can start to piece together a kind of personal recovery / recharge plan.

  • Are you also struggling with the dating and work or just the drawing?  Maybe you are bored of your hobbies.  I have to go to hobby classes to motivate me, I would never bother to do those activities normally.  Maybe talking on here will be your new hobby - learning about others - a bit of psychology for you.  Don't be too hard on yourself about not achieving products like drawings all the time.

  • Dating and work are also proving really difficult at the moment. I honestly think that my motivation comes in waves, especially with work and dating, if there's a specific piece of design work I get allocated, or there's someone I'm speaking to who's bubbly and chatty then things flow a lot smoother. I think having the diagnosis and not taking some time to process it has taken the wind out of my sails a bit. 

  • Dating and work are also proving really difficult at the moment. I honestly think that my motivation comes in waves, especially with work and dating, if there's a specific piece of design work I get allocated, or there's someone I'm speaking to who's bubbly and chatty then things flow a lot smoother. I think having the diagnosis and not taking some time to process it has taken the wind out of my sails a bit. 

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