Newly diagnosed, wondering about burnout.

Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with ASD at 29 only a couple of weeks ago, part of a two year long process.

Recently I've been juggling dating, work (still working from home) and having moved out of my parents and into a house with two friends. For the past few days I've been struggling with motivation. Even drawing or doing anything that's not just sitting there feels overwhelming. I used to go for a long walk and find a quiet beer garden to sit and draw with a drink for an hour or so but even that feels like an empty task.

I've felt burnt out before and I've had time off work but I generally thought it was just a term used in the tech industry.

What are some of the signs of "autistic burnout" especially in adults. Would love to get some clarification so I can start to piece together a kind of personal recovery / recharge plan.

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  • The problem aidie, with seeking help from a professional in my experience is that most of them are Neurotypical and hence treating a condition they know very little about, except what they have read. We of course can read too..

    It's easy to ascribe semi-supernatural powers to "experts" and allow them a disproportionate amount of control over your life. I allowed a G.P. once to prescribe me a mind altering drug that when I took it instantly turned me into someone even worse. Since he was denying the reality of my experience, I had to take matters into my own hands at that point, and against his advice I discontinued the drug, and sought a more constructive solution to my issues. I've nothing against professionals when they get it right, they are  good thing, but when they lead you wrong, and you go along with it because they are, well, "professionals", your faith in their expertise can lead you terminally astray.

    At least here with a large pool of "professional Autists" there's a better chance of finding someone who has had exactly your problem and found a full or partial solution. And we aren't being paid to help, so the advice is, either going to be of the "Bhuddism solves everything" nature, or the "if I take a Holland and Barret vitamin B12 1000uG tablet the evening before I go to bed, I don't fall asleep in front of the TV the day after, nature. And if you are lucky someone else will chip in with "be careful with Vitamin B13 some people say it makes them irritable advice. And the seeker can take their choice. 

    Talking to your GP even, can be a two edged sword. The suggestion to take an online Asperger's test came not form a professional but an observant Aspie friend... My G.P told me I was "far too articulate to have Autism" until I insisting on having the adult Autism assessment..