Dyslexic Autistic

Has anyone here got  ASD and dyslexia? I wasn't sure whether the two conditions could co-exist and a lot of what I've read about them suggests that they couldn't (though I admit, some of the neuroscience I found confusing and I also did start getting irritated by how a lot of the websites portrayed those with either diagnosis.)


  • Yes, I have Dyslexia, ADD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia. Dyslexia was the first thing I was diagnosed with. These days I use Grammarly and speechify on my PC, Laptop. Tablet and Phone, I personally would recommend using them, 

  • Yes, I have Dyslexia, ADD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia. Dyslexia was the first thing I was diagnosed with. These days I use Grammarly and speechify on my PC, Laptop. Tablet and Phone, I personally would recommend using them, 

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