Dyslexic Autistic

Has anyone here got  ASD and dyslexia? I wasn't sure whether the two conditions could co-exist and a lot of what I've read about them suggests that they couldn't (though I admit, some of the neuroscience I found confusing and I also did start getting irritated by how a lot of the websites portrayed those with either diagnosis.)


  • I have dyscalculia (number dyslexia), and instead of switching letter positions, I switch number positions when I read and write them, which is terrible because math needs to be very precise, and this issue was undetected throughout my school years, even by me, and I didn't know what I was doing that was so different from everyone else. 

    So now as an adult, I created an unconventional method, where I use alternative symbols for numbers that I can match up to the regular numbers, as a way to double-check myself. This is important for bills and phone numbers, and that sort thing.

    But yeah, I think that autism and dyslexia can co-exist. 

  • I have dyscalculia (number dyslexia), and instead of switching letter positions, I switch number positions when I read and write them, which is terrible because math needs to be very precise, and this issue was undetected throughout my school years, even by me, and I didn't know what I was doing that was so different from everyone else. 

    So now as an adult, I created an unconventional method, where I use alternative symbols for numbers that I can match up to the regular numbers, as a way to double-check myself. This is important for bills and phone numbers, and that sort thing.

    But yeah, I think that autism and dyslexia can co-exist. 
