scammers on dating sites

So, this woman, from the West Midlands, claims she is facing bankruptcy after losing £113,000 to a scammer she met on a dating site. The man, who claimed he lived nearby, told her he had gone abroad for an engineering contract in Ukraine and then convinced her he needed money. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I'm not so sure about that. I can understand online business scams.  But romantic dating sites? I don't think smart people join dating sites very often, and if they do, they certainly don't send large sums of money to people they've never met. I can only assume that she was so incredibly lonely and desperate for affection that she lost all common sense. If it's true, it's a terrible shame, but it's her own fault.

  • I'm betting it's fake - she's claiming a big number to make the Betabux offer a couple of thousand - if they might get something in return......   Smiley