Absolutely Exhausted

Hi everyone 

If anyone can offer advice, help, or an explanation I would be so very grateful. 

I arrive home from work and I'm so completely exhausted that I need a nap. I wake up still feeling totally drained and remain that way until I go to bed. Regardless of how much sleep I have, I will still awake in the morning feeling so unbelievably tired. Feeling that way all day, I get home and need a nap, the cycle continues. I then spend Saturday lethargic, by Sunday evening I'm feeling better, then come Monday it all begins again.

Can anyone help, know what this is about? I honestly don't feel like this is living at all. Does anyone else experience this?

  • That's how I've felt my entire life. It's exhausting. A lot of it is burnout and insomnia (trying to keep regular working hours despite my body being permanently jet-lagged).

    But I did also discover that I was severely deficient in B12, and after having shots I felt amazing. I realised I had the energy levels of a 70 year old man for most of my 20s! So it's worth going to your GP and describing your symptoms because there are a number of things you can be deficient in to cause various forms of anemia or absorption issues relating to B vitamins or iron, or vitamin D, or if you are male, you might also be deficient in testosterone.

  • Thank you Untoward! Jet lag is exactly how it feels, sorry you experience it too. I will definitely mention it to GP next week when we discuss the antidepressants. 

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