Absolutely Exhausted

Hi everyone 

If anyone can offer advice, help, or an explanation I would be so very grateful. 

I arrive home from work and I'm so completely exhausted that I need a nap. I wake up still feeling totally drained and remain that way until I go to bed. Regardless of how much sleep I have, I will still awake in the morning feeling so unbelievably tired. Feeling that way all day, I get home and need a nap, the cycle continues. I then spend Saturday lethargic, by Sunday evening I'm feeling better, then come Monday it all begins again.

Can anyone help, know what this is about? I honestly don't feel like this is living at all. Does anyone else experience this?

  • It's hard to tell it could be many things, are you not enjoying your job?

    Something personal happening in your life that's burning you out or causing higher than normal anxiety? 

    maybe something physical like anaemia? or bad diet?

  • Hi O, thank you for replying. I really love my job, it's pretty much all I think about. Everything else in my life is the same, except my diet which has gone from good to bad and then bad, though when it was good I was still so very tired. I've been like this a long time, I just feel it's either getting worse, or I'm becoming more frustrated with feeling this way.

  • Might be worth speaking to your doctor if it's been going on for while, if its autistic burnout related maybe you need spread out you daily tasks/activities more. I don't know how busy you are as a person.

    maybe improving your diet might be a step in the right direction to help get you thinking clearer so you think of solutions.

    Exercise is good too helps with your circulation which in turn helps with energy level doesn't need to be a lot either, some press ups, sit-ups and squats 

  • Might be worth speaking to your doctor if it's been going on for while, if its autistic burnout related maybe you need spread out you daily tasks/activities more. I don't know how busy you are as a person.

    maybe improving your diet might be a step in the right direction to help get you thinking clearer so you think of solutions.

    Exercise is good too helps with your circulation which in turn helps with energy level doesn't need to be a lot either, some press ups, sit-ups and squats 

  • Thank you Loz. I have an awful feeling it is work. I still need to be healthier and meditation is a great idea. Perhaps I need to look at what changes I can make to my working day. Thank you so much for your help.

  • Perhaps go on something like Cronometer, input the foods you eat and it will give you a good rundown of what your lacking. From there, you can either work to include those foods or vitamins that would supplement the things which are missing. I tend to shy away from most multi vitamins as they tend to just give a little of everything rather than what is useful to you. 

    Having said that, it sounds like you might just be getting worn out with your work. Perhaps it's a question of factoring in some quiet time or seeing if you can structure it so it's less chaotic? If you enjoy it, you shouldn't give it up. But you actively should fit in recovery time. There are guided meditations which I find helpful. There are plenty on youtube, I always feel really refreshed afterwards. Could be worth a try?

  • We will help each other Smiley

  • You're welcome I have some of the same problems too, talking to someone who has the same issues about solutions to those issues seems to help me find ways to help so hopefully it works for you too :)

  • Thank you O, you really are a superstar! I am starting to think it is work related, I go all out for my job, it's really important to me. I also should be healthier and plan better. Although the last therapist told me to stop planning as I get really really involved in it. Completely overplanning everything. Everyone has given such wonderful advice. I need to be healthier, speak to GP, listen to my emotions and plan things better. 

    Thank you for taking the time to help.


  • I use an app called tiimo its just a daily planner app but its really good for customising how you plan you're days out and how long things take, I highly recommend it its great for me because I need to remind my self when to eat because I don't feel hunger unless I'm really really starving which I found out recently was an autistic thing I don't really know why I didn't know that already but that's besides the point.

    It's really great and its like £20 a year so not expensive either especially for how great it is might be good for you but iff you have a good way of planning your days out already just have a look at how you do thing and maybe switch things around or space things out more to help with your energy like I said before, and seeing what you've said so far I think it could be something within your working days so look at what differs from your working days to your Sundays like someone said already 

  • I do take vitamins, though just like the healthy eating and exercise, I'm good for a time and then just stop. Maybe because I dontcsee a difference in how I feel. Though that's not an excuse to not look after myself. Perhaps I really should create myself a sort of care plan. Work is noisy, bright, active, and a little crazy. I do my own planning and am left to do as I please. Which generally means I put in as much as I can. J know that weekends and holidays I do feel so much better.

  • I'm the same I'm not good at generally maintaining myself either but when I get myself to do things like exercise and eat well my energy levels increase so I think that could apply to other people, you could take multivitamins to supplement your self I've never taken them but I've only ever read pretty positive things about them when you take them regularly with a fairly balanced diet.

    It might be worth just thinking about your work routine and tasks more and seeing if they might affect your burnout and if they do maybe try re-ordering them as best you can to help maintain your energy.

  • Thanks O, I really do need to start eating healthy again, and I know I should exercise too. I go through periods of exercising everyday and then just stop, starting again a few months later. My day at work is quite active, thinking, reacting, planning. I hope it isn't work, yet thinking about it, it could be.