Gaming for mental health

Hi all. Does anyone else like to game as a way of destressing and to improve mental well being? If so what are your recommendations? I personally like to jump on the PS4 and now PS5. I find it helps me switch off and is a great way to relax. I play mostly single player stuff. Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, etc

  • Yes I do it helps me relax and something I enjoy. It gives me that alone time as well albeit more difficult now married and the requirement to be with spouse when I just want my own time to recharge as it were. 

    I have done this for decades though and only really understanding it now although would hide it from people I work with and still dont openly announce gaming as a hobby but working in tech it seems it would be more common anyway.  

  • Yes I do it helps me relax and something I enjoy. It gives me that alone time as well albeit more difficult now married and the requirement to be with spouse when I just want my own time to recharge as it were. 

    I have done this for decades though and only really understanding it now although would hide it from people I work with and still dont openly announce gaming as a hobby but working in tech it seems it would be more common anyway.  

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