Gaming for mental health

Hi all. Does anyone else like to game as a way of destressing and to improve mental well being? If so what are your recommendations? I personally like to jump on the PS4 and now PS5. I find it helps me switch off and is a great way to relax. I play mostly single player stuff. Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, etc

  • gaming is a good escape.... but if you escape too much and get lost in the digital world your life will become neglected and get worse, your problems will thus get worse and you will then need to escape more and more until your digital escape is no longer possible or isnt good enough to escape the overbearing disaster of your life. so its good but only if you dont end up getting too lost in gaming, life will slip you by while you live a virtual life.

  • But what is reality? Are we not in one big simulation anyway? A game within a game.

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  • could be, it makes sense that all life is, is some for of data collection and each life is collecting experience and when we die our data perhaps goes back to some central thing to add to it and our energy perhaps gets sent out again to live another life and collect more experience for the central collective thing.... this is kinda what in sci fi people would call would be a jupiter brain. a computer the size of jupiter built by a advanced alien race, and that jupiter brain computer can run simulation of all life in the galaxy and all the lives in that simulation wont even know that they are computer simulated, and thus the jupiter brain stores all the knowledge of every simulated life and thus has the answer and knowledge to everything for whatever alien race built it.