Do you Internalise or Mask or both ?

Hi, I'm just wondering has anyone ever thought they have done both of these at any time in their lives ?

I often read on here that it is usually females that internalise whereas males mostly mask. Is this correct ?

Looking back, I feel I have done both. I am male. I know there are males here who have said they internalise 

and others I suspect have had the same experience. Perhaps far more than care to admit due to the stereo-typing

that it's only likely to be females who internalise ? In any case, isn't the outcome and diagnoses the same at the end of the day ?

I.e Exhaustion ?

What is your experience ? 

  • Hi Turtle,

    I'm not sure if I agree with this whole concept of masking as something specific to autism. For me, masking, as it is usually described, is probably something that is common to all humans. Everyone does it to a lesser or greater extent; concealing one's emotions or portraying oneself as someone different in order to be accepted and avoid rejection, seems a pretty common trait in all people regardless of their age, creed or disability.  Do some people do it more than others? Definitely. Do autistic people do it more than non-autistic people? I don't know. 

  • Hi Michael, 

    I haven't mentioned Autism specifically but I agree with you that everyone does it though I would say, as with most things, Autistic people feel it to a greater extent and are probably more aware of it as NT's may not even know they do it at all.

  • That's a good point, actually. Perhaps we neurodivergents are more aware of doing it.  Although, everyone can spot when someone else is doing it. And it makes us cringe and laugh in equal measure. That's the premise (or character flaw) of many of the great comedic characters. Think of Hyacinth Bucket (Keeping Up Appearances). Her entire characterisation is based upon a series of ever increasing failed attempts to mask.

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