Do you Internalise or Mask or both ?

Hi, I'm just wondering has anyone ever thought they have done both of these at any time in their lives ?

I often read on here that it is usually females that internalise whereas males mostly mask. Is this correct ?

Looking back, I feel I have done both. I am male. I know there are males here who have said they internalise 

and others I suspect have had the same experience. Perhaps far more than care to admit due to the stereo-typing

that it's only likely to be females who internalise ? In any case, isn't the outcome and diagnoses the same at the end of the day ?

I.e Exhaustion ?

What is your experience ? 

  • I do both depending on the situation.     I internalised so much that I developed a serious health problem from the stress.    Masking is simpler but more tiring working on 3 levels - public side, real side - and a third system translating between the two systems - quick route to burn-out.

  • I do both depending on the situation.     I internalised so much that I developed a serious health problem from the stress.    Masking is simpler but more tiring working on 3 levels - public side, real side - and a third system translating between the two systems - quick route to burn-out.
