Do you Internalise or Mask or both ?

Hi, I'm just wondering has anyone ever thought they have done both of these at any time in their lives ?

I often read on here that it is usually females that internalise whereas males mostly mask. Is this correct ?

Looking back, I feel I have done both. I am male. I know there are males here who have said they internalise 

and others I suspect have had the same experience. Perhaps far more than care to admit due to the stereo-typing

that it's only likely to be females who internalise ? In any case, isn't the outcome and diagnoses the same at the end of the day ?

I.e Exhaustion ?

What is your experience ? 

  • I chose masking in females as my final project in my social science class at college, and I've read the opposite to what you propose; that females are the ones who mask and do so so effectively that it's thrown the statistics off as males being more apt to have ASD than females.  I personally internalize and mask, and it is exhausting.  In my readings, it mentions more and more females not being diagnosed as autistic until adulthood because physicians and psychologists disregard the patients' parents' attempts for the proper assessments in childhood.  Of course, the autism stigma is much less than 20 or 30+ years ago, so that plays a part as well.  

  • I chose masking in females as my final project in my social science class at college, and I've read the opposite to what you propose; that females are the ones who mask and do so so effectively that it's thrown the statistics off as males being more apt to have ASD than females.  I personally internalize and mask, and it is exhausting.  In my readings, it mentions more and more females not being diagnosed as autistic until adulthood because physicians and psychologists disregard the patients' parents' attempts for the proper assessments in childhood.  Of course, the autism stigma is much less than 20 or 30+ years ago, so that plays a part as well.  
