Learning difficulties and difficulties understanding the world

Hi there :) 

I am currently awaiting an assessment on the NHS following the ongoing difficulties I have had throughout my life (I'm 30 now). 

I was wondering if anyone empathised with this...

I really struggle with understanding. Understanding the world. Understanding social situations. I feel like I am constantly trying to make sense of my situation, whatever that situation may be. It's hard to put it into words. It's like a constant state of confusion about the world. I feel like I am always playing catch up with the people around me.

I really benefit from teachers and support workers as they help me to understand learning and situations. I find it really difficult to make sense of things independently. But I want to become more independent! 

Would love other peoples perspectives to help me to express what I am going through.

Thanks. Hugging

  • i wouldnt say i had learning difficulties... my parents thought i had and tried to get me assessed for learning difficulties but that came back as me being smarter than the average kid my age lol so that probably made me fall under any diagnostic radar as people viewed anything as a learning difficulty when autism and may other personality disorders are not learning difficulties.

    but developmentally yeah everyone force rushed their childhood while i took childhood slow at a normal pace making it seem as if i was behind others. thats societies fault for not allowing kids to be kids.

  • i wouldnt say i had learning difficulties... my parents thought i had and tried to get me assessed for learning difficulties but that came back as me being smarter than the average kid my age lol so that probably made me fall under any diagnostic radar as people viewed anything as a learning difficulty when autism and may other personality disorders are not learning difficulties.

    but developmentally yeah everyone force rushed their childhood while i took childhood slow at a normal pace making it seem as if i was behind others. thats societies fault for not allowing kids to be kids.

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