How do you think about things?

I think associatively, deeply and incessantly about everything (when I say everything I meant everything related to the specific thing I like to think about. It was late when I wrote this :) . Its not that I think about knitting, swimming etc :) )  . I . If a topic is deep and meaningful then I feel immensely nourished by thinking about it. It does drain me though and I do it automatically. How do other people on here with official diagnoses of ASD think about things? I can stop thinking, its draining but I do enjoy it. I sometimes think that thinking is the only good thing there is to do in this life. 

  • Yes thinking deeply about topics is enjoyable for me too, and I spend lot of time "in my head" processing information. I never found it strange, until I started talking to others about what I was thinking about. Several people have told me to "stop thinking so much" as if thinking was a negative thing, as if too much thinking overwhelms them, but I think they should try to think more and open their minds more. I mean, I just think deeply as a default of mine, and I can't just magically stop thinking in order to appease those around me. Thinking is fun. There's just so many interesting topics to think about. 

  • Have you ever thought how you could exploit that tendency to think so much for your own benefit? What is your thinking style? Mine is extremely associative.

  • I would think associatively as well. I'm the type with my head in the clouds, I'll look at random topics that catch my interest, usually about biology, medicine, and therapy type of topics, even though I'm not in those fields myself. 

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