Where to make Autistic friends?


I would really like to make a friend who is also on the spectrum. Does anyone know where I can do this such as specific groups, Instagram pages or apps (like Bumble maybe?). 

I am 24, female and I live in Kent, England for reference. Would ideally like to make a friend who lives in my area.

thank you! :-D

  • Are there any Neighbourhood Learning Centres in your area?  I'm on a nice little course at one that's part art, part life skills and the other people think in quite a similar way to me (I haven't been diagnosed yet but at the very least, I'm socially awkward).  My tutor is very supportive.  We don't do any exams or graded coursework but we may have the opportunity to one day if we like.

  • Are there any Neighbourhood Learning Centres in your area?  I'm on a nice little course at one that's part art, part life skills and the other people think in quite a similar way to me (I haven't been diagnosed yet but at the very least, I'm socially awkward).  My tutor is very supportive.  We don't do any exams or graded coursework but we may have the opportunity to one day if we like.

  • Or you can search for adult education in your area and it might come up with small venues even if not actually called Neighbourhood Learning Centres - sorry for commenting again - I just wanted to make what I meant clearer just in case it helps - good luck with whatever you do.