Struggle with motivation and/or change of plan.

Recently I’ve become increasingly aware of what could be described as a lack of motivation. Only I don’t think it is that simple. I like to plan things to the nth degree (no surprise there) and usually start this process days or weeks in advance. If then on the day everything goes to plan, i.e deliveries turn up on time, people turn up on time and do what they are supposed to, etc, etc. All good! However, if something doesn’t go right, that’s it, I’m stumped. It’s like someone has turned me off.

I can sit on the sofa all day,  or knowing what to do, until I can get into a reorganisation phase and try again. A prime example is the garden building/home office project I’ve got at home at the moment. There are obviously 1000’s of things to do, if if I’ve planned steps 8,9,10, and the materials I need for 9 don’t turn up. That’s it, none starter. Although I could do bits of 11, 15 and 197.

I can’t decide if this is “normal”, I have low motivation or what’s going on.

  • I'm the same. I'm something of a perfectionist but it can lead to me not doing anything because I would rather not try than fail.

    There are loads of things on my house that I need to do but just don't get round to because it takes so much organisation and I want everything done in a particular way. If I'm waiting for a particular step then nothing else will be done until that step has been completed according to how I want it done.

    It even affects me in video games - there are certain games that I simply can't play. Open world games which have become very popular lately are just not enjoyable to me because there is too much choice and I get anxious/stressed from indecision and the idea that I'm missing things. And with RPGs I generally spend days reading up on everything and making my character absolutely perfect and then never actually playing the game. After a certain point I just want to restart because I feel like I could have done it better.

  • I'm the same. I'm something of a perfectionist but it can lead to me not doing anything because I would rather not try than fail.

    There are loads of things on my house that I need to do but just don't get round to because it takes so much organisation and I want everything done in a particular way. If I'm waiting for a particular step then nothing else will be done until that step has been completed according to how I want it done.

    It even affects me in video games - there are certain games that I simply can't play. Open world games which have become very popular lately are just not enjoyable to me because there is too much choice and I get anxious/stressed from indecision and the idea that I'm missing things. And with RPGs I generally spend days reading up on everything and making my character absolutely perfect and then never actually playing the game. After a certain point I just want to restart because I feel like I could have done it better.

  • Restarting something because you could do better is exactly me. Anything I complete has taken many drafts to get there, and I'm often not satisfied with the final project. Hence why I have a house full of unfinished projects. I hate that I do that, I always saw it as a personality flaw that I rarely finished what I started.