My son feeling Negative!

Has anyone experienced... how negative a person is with Aspergers? My son is finding it hard atm with college work, it’s hard actually to put into words! He’s so negative. But he knows he is different to others and started crying to me about it, he’s frustrated and I just don’t know where to turn! He is 20 years old in June. I get scared of how is mind is set, as I remember him telling e he wanted to die in his twenties and it plays on my mind. 
I feel like I need to go away and look up what to say to him, as he is so intelligent but his way of thinking is different. As we all have our own experience of depression and anxiety. I feel Aspergers is in another level totally! 
thanx for ready hope you can advice ;) 

  • Thanx E 

    the college I find is that helpful! :( but I will

    email them and his tutors and get in touch with the Aspergers centre. I just find my mind goes blank when he starts telling me, when I suggest things to him how I cope it’s just not what he wants to hear and is so negative and finds things to stop the suggestions straight away by looking at the down fall, if you get me :( 

  • I do, A lot depends on what he finds frustrating - it may be he literally needs to offload which will help him work stuff through. So rather than hear a suggestion on how to fix things he just might need space with you to explore how he's feeling and what's going on through his head with you - without moving onto how to fix it too quickly. 

     Reading the posts from     I think they kind of got this more than I did. So if you're already making suggestions and he's shutting them down that could be the signal that isn't what he needs and that he needs something else.

  • I do, A lot depends on what he finds frustrating - it may be he literally needs to offload which will help him work stuff through. So rather than hear a suggestion on how to fix things he just might need space with you to explore how he's feeling and what's going on through his head with you - without moving onto how to fix it too quickly. 

     Reading the posts from     I think they kind of got this more than I did. So if you're already making suggestions and he's shutting them down that could be the signal that isn't what he needs and that he needs something else.

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