Working From Home. Is it what it's cracked-up to be ?


Does anyone here really enjoy working from home and if so what do you do ? 

It really hit home to me, whilst out having an early morning walk today by the river, that I would be much happier working from home. I have worked a physical job most of my life and have known a change was long overdue, for years actually. I've realised this is causing me more stress than what it's worth and I'm in the process of minimising as much stress as I can, even if it may involve a loss of income. 

I've looked around at some of the most common jobs people are doing from home but don't really interest me, like corporate companies, data-entry, sales and so on. They're just not my cup of tea. I'd much more prefer to be helpful or creative or contribute something positive in some way. I'm just wondering how to go about finding work I could do from home that could be interesting or maybe even meaningful ? 

Any insights would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

  • I really enjoy working from home for work purposes but I find it very difficult to gel with a team if I cannot see them in person. I think this is because I rely on mirroring them to make them like me. 

  • Yes I guess it's hard to strike a balance in some lines of work but I'm becoming more convinced prioritising what works for me to function better is number one. Otherwise, life can become robotic and can feel like you're living on autopilot which just doesn't work and isn't worth it long-term.

  • Yes I guess it's hard to strike a balance in some lines of work but I'm becoming more convinced prioritising what works for me to function better is number one. Otherwise, life can become robotic and can feel like you're living on autopilot which just doesn't work and isn't worth it long-term.

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